Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hope you're having a great weekend!
If you have served our country in any way or are a family member of someone who's served...Thank You!
Those two words don't seem sufficient enough but know that you are in our thoughts, prayers & in our gratitude daily.
If you're new to Parties for Pennies, I started doing the weekend wrap party so we could get to know each other better. I share what I did over the weekend & hopefully you'll share what you did. You can leave it in the comment section, facebook it (www.facebook.com/PartiesforPennies) or email me (heidi@heidirew.com).
Our big event this past weekend was a wedding! My sweet friend Laura married a great guy named Eric. She & I have been radio friends for many years. Radio is a crazy, crazy business & she has been a blessing to me walking through this career since we both began. Here are some of the snapshots -
You know I had to take some pictures of the centerpieces!
The wedding was at a beautiful place called The Vinings Club. Here's the view of downtown Atlanta from where we were sitted.
Parties for Pennies Wedding tip: I looked into the Vinings Club for our reception & booking it on a Friday or Sunday (like Laura did) saves a ton of pennies! :-)
Eric & Laura & Me & Mike
I had to get one just with the bride! She looked so beautiful!
The cupcakes were done by Piece of Cake in Atlanta & were delicious! I had heard so many wonderful things about Piece of Cake but hadn't tried it yet. So glad I did! Yummy!
My Memorial Day weekend didn't fit the usual bill of cookouts & pools but it has still been wonderful! What about you? Has it been the usual...pool & cookouts?
Check back this Wednesday for a Nautical Themed Party favor using a household item!

p.s. You can now LIKE Parties for Pennies on facebook! Click here.
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