Friday, October 28, 2011

Better Homes & Gardens Halloween Dessert Contest

I usually only post once a week...but this week, I'm selfishly (kinda) posting twice. Halloween Creepy Crispers seen here are in the running for the Better Homes & Gardens Halloween Dessert contest. (insert happy dance) The problem is that I need votes. This is why I am kneeling at your feet begging you to vote. :-) The contest ends October 30th, so please jump on this like Criss Cross & get your vote on.

Here's the dealio -

* You can vote once each day.
* Each time you vote, comment here or email me - & I'll put your name in to win a $50 Michaels gift card (Umm...a lot of glitter can be acquired for that $). That is just my way of thanking you for the time you took to vote.
* If I win the overall award, I get $250 but it's more like YOU get $250 b/c I'm going to use that money as a budget for a party sponsored by Parties for Pennies & YOU'RE invited (more on this later).

VOTE HERE (click on "here" and it will link to where to vote)

And again...Thank you soooo much! :-)


  1. Such a great concept! I just found out about this on the last day, but I managed get one vote in before it was too late. :)

  2. Thank you so much for voting! I really appreciate it! I ended up in 1st place! :-) I'll keep you posted on what happens after this! Really, really appreciate you! Have a great day!


Anything you say, can & will be used to enhance this blog. :-) Thank you for your comments! <3